Illadel.Ink Refund and Returns Policy

If your return/refund exceeds a 7-day timeframe (7 business days) from when you receive your order, we regret to inform you that refunds or exchanges cannot be accommodated. This means that, should you need to return your purchase or get a refund, you have 7 business days from the date the order was delivered.

Refunds and/or returns are only given if we ship the wrong item, color, size, etc.

If your item(s) are damaged in transit we are not responsible for replacing the item(s) or reimbursement of funds, but we will help the customer with any receipts, invoices, etc. needed to file a claim with the respective courier. You will need clear images taken of the damaged packaging and item(s), a clear image of the shipping label with your name on it to submit to the courier responsible for the damage.

To be eligible for a return, the item must remain in its original packaging, unopened and unused, consistent with its condition upon delivery. If the item was opened or used an refund will not be issued.

Prior to initiating a return, authorization must be obtained from Illadel.Ink, as not all products qualify for returns or exchanges.

It is important to acknowledge that the buyer bears responsibility for all shipping fees associated with the return process. Additionally, a discretionary 20% restocking fee may be applied.

Please be aware that all sales on discounted products are final and are exempt from return or refund processes. We appreciate your understanding of these policies as we strive to ensure a fair and transparent shopping experience. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact us for further clarification.

By continuing to place an order on this website you fully agree to this policy.

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